
I’ve missed a few Throwback Thursdays! I could not disappoint you (or myself) for yet, another week! Today’s piece is about death and loss and rebirth. Enjoy!

Nikewrites Blog

He held this new creation in his arms.
Oh, how his wife had suffered.
Two before, born and lived
Only to have one slay the other.
The living son was banished
A piece of her heart left with them.
She thought all was lost,
Until her belly swelled with life once more.
Light came back to her eyes.
She glowed.
Her sense of purpose was restored.
She was made to be a mother.
She did it so well,
That many times he thought
She was created first.
He was happy that she was restored
But he was concerned.
Confusion had slithered into their lives before.
What would happen with this child?
If they had another son,
Would brother kill brother again?
The child squirmed in his arms,
Pressing closer to his father for warmth,
Seeking comfort and protection.
He vowed to be a better father this time.
No harm would…

View original post 60 more words

What I’ve Learned

I haven’t done a “what I’ve learned” post in a while. Not that I haven’t learned anything, I’ve just been busy being a student of life! The last 11 months have been absolutely challenging. There were a number of times that I wanted to just throw in the towel. The stress was unbearable at times. I can’t tell you how many times I looked up and said, “God, I can’t take one more thing.” And that is not to say that I thought God was the root of all of my situations, but I know He sees it all and knows what I am going through at any moment.
However, in spite of all of my stress and challenges, I saw God putting some things in place on my behalf that would help me grow. He put things in place to draw me closer to him. And he has removed some things to test my faith. I’m so thankful for the blessings and the test! I’m learning how NOT to place such a fine line between the good and the bad. So many of us have a tendency to say, “God is good,” when things work in our favor and “How could God let this happen,” when things don’t work in our favor. But when I sit back and look at where I am right now, and I really can’t complain. Everything that has happened, has brought me to where I am right now. It’s not such a bad place. I have a roof over my head, a job, a car that is paid for and runs, fairly good health…I really can’t complain. There are so many people, within walking distance who don’t have half as much. There is no way I can complain.
In the midst of me putting out fires, tying things down and trying to hold stuff together, God has opened, and continues to open up opportunities for me to share my passion for writing. He has surrounded me with wise counselors and prayer warriors. When I am ready to surrender to the stress, there is always someone around to encourage me. I have to thank Him!
I don’t care if you don’t believe in God or a higher power or anything pertaining to spiritual matters, the fact is, if you woke up this morning, you have everything you need to feed, protect and clothe your family, you should be thankful.
That’s really it in a nutshell: Be thankful no matter what! It’s not a once a year task. It should be a way of life, whether things are good or not.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18